fresh water, fish fry, Islamic boarding school studentAbstract
Kecamatan Haurwangi dan Kecamatan Ciranjang secara administratif termasuk ke dalam wilayah Kabupaten Cianjur. Berdasarkan data EMIS Kementerian Agama tahun 2021, jumlah pesantren yang berlokasi di Kecamatan Haurwangi berjumlah 2 (dua) pondok pesantren, sedangkan di Kecamatan Ciranjang terdapat 6 (enam) pondok pesantren. Berdasarkan data EMIS Kemenag, setiap pondok pesantren yang terdaftar dicatat potensi unggulan ekonomi. Salah satu potensi unggulan ekonomi adalah maritime dan perikanan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, telah dilaksanakan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat tentang pelatihan pembenihan ikan air tawar bagi santri di pesantren yang memiliki potensi unggulan ekonomi dalam maritim dan perikanan. Metode pelatihan dibagi menjadi pelatihan teoritis yang berisi mengenai potensi dan pentingnya penyediaan benih ikan air tawar, dan pelatihan praktik yang meliputi cara pembiusan ikan hingga penetasan ikan air tawar. Kegiatan pelatihan   dipusatkan di pondok pesantren Al-Huda Al-Musri Kecamatan Ciranjang, santri perwakilan pondok pesantren dari Kecamatan Haurwangi dijadwalkan tanggal 19 hingga 20 Juli 2022, sedangkan santri perwakilan dari Kecamatan Ciranjang tanggal 26 dan 27 Juli 2022.   Waktu pelaksanaan dilakukan pada malam hari, setelah shalat berjamaah Isya. Awal pembukaan kegiatan rasa keingin-tahuan para peserta terlihat biasa-biasa saja, namun setelah memasuki materi tentang prospek penyediaan benih ikan air tawar yang cukup menjanjikan, antusias para peserta terlihat meningkat, tergambar dari pertanyaan yang diajukan disela-sela pemaparan pelatihan teori. Kesulitan yang mereka hadapi adalah saat mengambil bahan induksi menggunakan spuit tuberculin 1 ml karena kondisi botol dalam keadaan hampa, demikian juga saat memasukkan bahan induksi secara intra muscular karena harus menyelipkan jarum diantara sisik ikan, namun para peserta dapat melakukannya
Both Haurwangi Subdistrict and Ciranjang Subdistrict are administratively included in the Cianjur Regency area. EMIS data from the Ministry of Religion Affair in 2021, showed that the number of Islamic boarding schools located in Haurwangi District is 2 (two), while in Ciranjang District there are 6 (six) Islamic boarding schools. Each registered Islamic boarding school is recorded for its superior economic potential, such as maritime and fisheries. According to their potential, Community Service has been carried out on freshwater fish hatchery training for santri in Islamic boarding schools that have excellent economic potential in maritime and fisheries. The training method is divided into theoretical which contains both the potential and importance of providing freshwater fish fry, and practical training which includes anesthetizing fish to hatching freshwater fish. The training activities are centered at the Al-Huda Al-Musri Islamic Boarding School, Ciranjang District, the representative students of the Islamic boarding school from the Haurwangi District are scheduled from 19 to 20 July 2022, while the representative students from the Ciranjang District are 26 and 27 July 2022. The implementation time is carried out at night, after the Isha congregational prayer. At the beginning of the opening of the curiosity activity, the participants looked normal, but after entering the material on the prospect of providing freshwater fish seeds which were quite promising, the enthusiasm of the participants seemed to increase, as illustrated by the questions asked on the sidelines of the theoretical training presentation. The difficulty they faced was when taking the induction material using a 1 ml tuberculin syringe because the bottle was empty, as well as when inserting the induction material intramuscularly because they had to insert the needle between the fish scales, but the participants were able to do this.
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