kultur jaringan, pelatihan, skala rumah tangga, tanaman hiasAbstract
Tanaman hias merupakan komoditas hortikultura yang memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Budidaya tanaman hias sudah banyak dikembangkan dengan teknologi salah satunya kultur jaringan. Kelebihan kultur jaringan dapat meningkatkan kuantitas tanaman, tidak memerlukan lahan yang luas dan Dapat dilakukan disepanjang musim. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini yaitu untuk mengedukasi dan mendampingi petani mempelajari teknik kultur jaringan skala rumah tangga. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada pada bulan Januari-November 2023 di PT. Melano Berkah Indonesia, Desa Cigugurgirang, Kecamatan Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Metode pelatihan yaitu memberi edukasi dan praktik kultur jaringan skala rumah tangga. Kegiatan pelatihan meliputi materi kultur jaringan, karantina tanaman, sterilisasi ruangan, sterilisasi alat, pembuatan media, sterilisasi eksplan, inisiasi, subkultur, dan aklimatisasi. Hasil pelatihan ini petani antusias belajar dan sudah bisa melakukan penanaman teknik kultur jaringan dengan baik.
Ornamental plants are horticultural commodities that have high economic value. Ornamental plant cultivation has been developed using technology, one of which is tissue culture. The advantages of tissue culture can increase the quantity of plants, does not require a large area of land and makes shipping easier because the plant seeds produced are sterile. The aim of this service is to educate and assist farmers in learning tissue culture techniques on a household scale. Training will be held in January-November 2023 at PT. Melano Berkah Indonesia, Cigugurgirang Village, Parongpong District, West Bandung Regency. The training method is to provide education and practice of tissue culture on a household scale. Training activities include tissue culture material, plant quarantine, room sterilization, equipment sterilization, media making, explant sterilization, initiation, subculture and acclimatization. As a result of this training, farmers were enthusiastic about learning and were able to plant tissue culture techniques well.
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