Jalaluddin Jalaluddin(1*)

(1) Ikatan Sarjana Nahdhatul Ulama Jawa Barat, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Al-Ghazalî is known as an intellectual figure who mastered various sciences. Almost all the religious aspects he studied in depth, including the issue of money. The learning process he did until he died. In the field of Islamic knowledge, there are proof which show many scholars who admitted to his mastered knowledge with tremendous enthu­siasm. This paper is presented to describe the thought of al-Ghazalî, such as the under­stan­­ding of money, the concept of money, the kind of money, the function of money, and the contribution of money to the Islamic economic system. The sources of data in this paper takes a lot from the phenomenal book of al-Ghazalî, namely Ihya al-‘Ulûmuddîn, as well as from other books related to this paper.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/as.v16i2.636


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