Enhancing Islamic and Moral Education Learning Outcome via Index Card Match Method

Muh. Irham Mudzakir(1*), Bambang Samsul Arifin(2)

(1) Mahasiswa UIN Bandung, Indonesia
(2) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


. This research is motivated by the fact that the results of Islamic Religious Education and Character Education (PAI and BP) lessons in class V at SDN Ciangsana 03, Gunungputri District, Bogor Regency are still low. This is based on the fact that students' religious behavior is still lacking in implementing Islamic teachings. On this basis, the problem formulation in this research is "What are the efforts to improve PAI and BP learning outcomes through the Index Card Match Method for Class V Students?" This research is classroom action research, namely research carried out in class by observing and carrying out various actions through several cycles. The respondents of this research were class V of SDN Ciangsana 03, Gunungputri District, Bogor Regency, with a total of 22 students, who were a sample of 10 students. Data was taken from the learning outcomes of cycle I and cycle II students. Based on the actions taken there is an increase in student activity and learning outcomes. This can be observed through the teacher and student activity scores, namely teacher activity in cycle I received a score of 3.1, increasing in cycle II to a score of 4.6. The average activity score for students in cycle I got a score of 3.3, increasing in cycle II to a score of 4.0. The average student in cycle I got a score of 66 classically 60%, increasing in cycle II to a score of 81 classically 90%. It can be concluded that the Index Card Match method has been proven to have improved PAI and BP learning outcomes for class V students at SDN Ciangsana 03, Gunungputri District, Bogor Regency.


Index Card Match Method; Learning outcomes

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/ath.v6i3.2613


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