Improving Children's Fine Motor and Aesthetic Abilities Through Coloring Activities with Various Media

Tarsono Tarsono(1*), Fatimah Az zahro Ummu Abiha(2)

(1) FTK UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(2) TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Sindang, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Based on observations of development activities in Group B of the Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Sindang Indramayu Kindergarten, it was found that there was a problem of low children's coloring and aesthetic abilities. Where only around 4 children could complete it well or only around 26% of all children in group B. This research aims to improve children's fine motor and aesthetic physical abilities through coloring pictures using various media. This research uses a quantitative and qualitative descriptive design, with the Classroom Action Research (PTK) method which consists of several research steps, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. This research was carried out in two cycles, each cycle creating 5 RPPH and improvement plans. The results of the research show that children's fine motor and aesthetic abilities through coloring pictures using various media can be utilized in learning activities to develop children's fine motor and aesthetic physical abilities. In cycle 1, children's physical motor and aesthetic abilities increased from 26% to 46%. Then in cycle 2 it increased to 93%. This is characterized by an increase in children's ability to color pictures neatly, with good color combinations, in completing activities independently and so on, which also develops all aspects of children's development such as physical, motoric, cognitive, artistic, social emotional and behavioral.


Coloring Pictures; Early Childhood; Fine Motor Skills

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