Implementasi Best Practice Pembelajaran Ecoliteracy melalui Pengelolaan Komposter di PAUD

Ira Anggraeni


The primary objective of this research is to examine the implementation of composter management as a model for effective learning in order to convey the notion of ecoliteracy to young children. This study employs a qualitative methodology utilizing a case study research design. The application of composter management as a best practice in ecoliteracy learning was observed and evaluated through collaboration among researchers, instructors, and students at SPS Taam Fajrul Islam Tasikmalaya City. Data was gathered through participant observation, interviews, field notes, and project documentation. The research findings indicate that incorporating composter management into ecoliteracy education in early childhood education settings has a significant impact. Children have a strong enthusiasm towards the process of making and monitoring the composter. They acquire a profound comprehension of natural cycles, the significance of recycling in safeguarding the environment, and the correlation between their activities and the ecosystem. Therefore, implementing composter management as a practical and direct approach can effectively cultivate environmental awareness in children from a young age and enhance their comprehension of sustainability principles.


Early Childhood Education (ECE), Ecoliteracy Learning, Compost Management


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