New Publish Policy since Volume 5.1 2023
To improve the quality of articles and journal management. Journal Made some policy changes.
1. Changes to several sub-sections in the template.
where for each sub-chapter does not require a direct title. Simply by providing a title with highlighted. For more details, see the Author Guidelines and articles published in the 5.1 2023 edition. Template
2. Change of issue time from April, August, November to July, October and December. Read more about New Publish Policy since Volume 5.1 2023
1. Changes to several sub-sections in the template.
where for each sub-chapter does not require a direct title. Simply by providing a title with highlighted. For more details, see the Author Guidelines and articles published in the 5.1 2023 edition. Template
2. Change of issue time from April, August, November to July, October and December. Read more about New Publish Policy since Volume 5.1 2023