Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education

  1. Journal Title: Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education
  2. Initials: Al-Aulad
  3. Online ISSN: 2620-5238
  4. Print ISSN:2615-5605
  5. DOI: 10.15575/al-aulad
  6. Editor in Chief: Asis Saefuddin
  7. Frequency: March and September
  8. Publisher: Department of Primary Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung-Indonesia

Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education is published by the Department of Primary Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung-Indonesia, published periodically twice in a year (March and September). The focus of the study is the results of research and theoretical reviews of Islamic primary education. We invite researchers, practitioners, lecturers, and teachers throughout the world to submit scientific articles. All articles will be reviewed by experts before publication. This journal has an online ISSN number (2620-5238) and prints ISSN (2615-5605).

Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education has been accredited SINTA by The Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal (SK DIRJEN DIKTI NO.204/E/KPT/2022).

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Call for Papers – al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education 

Posted: 2023-01-31 More...
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Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education

Table of Contents


Ani Siti Anisah, Masripah Masripah, Iman Saifullah
Nurlaila Allatif, Cindya Alfi, Muhamad Fatih
Yulis Marhamah, Ani Siti Anisah, Rudi Akmal
Rohmat Widiyanto, Fathimah Syafaqul Ahmariyah
N Reino Putri Deka, Titim Fatimah, Siti Khozanatu Rohmah
Maftucha Maftucha