Music to Enhance Early Childhood Verbal Creativity

Dewi Kumala Sari, Dyan Evita Santi, Abdul Muhid


Creativity is one important aspect of individual development. Some experts agree that creativity can be formed from childhood, one of which is through musical intervention. Research on the influence of music interventions has shown positive effects on a range of skills that support early childhood verbal creativity. These findings suggest musical interventions may have further potential to support children's educational and developmental processes. The method used in writing this article is the literature review method. This article reviews the literature and past research on the effect of music interventions on the development of basic skills that can support the development of verbal creativity in early childhood. The database of electronic publications is searched using several keywords, namely creativity, verbal creativity, music intervention, music psychology, creativity development, and music and creativity. The results showed that in general, music interventions can support the improvement of children's basic language and cognitive skills that support the development of verbal creativity in early childhood. The results of this study are expected to be the basis for future research in developing music interventions that are by conditions and conditions in Indonesia. 


Early Childhood; Music Intervention; Verbal Creativity


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