Developing the Ajhâr Bhâthêk Application as an Implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Introducing Batik Culture to Children

Nur Aini Mahbubah, Siti Fadjryana Fitroh


In the current era of technological advances, one of the innovations that can be used as learning media is an application that is embedded on a smartphone, namely an Android-based application. The purpose of this study is to develop the Ajhâr Bhâthêk application as an implementation of the independent curriculum in introducing batik culture to children and to find out the feasibility of the Ajhâr Bhâthêk application. This study uses the Borg & Gall development model with 10 research steps. The subjects of this development research were 50 children aged 5-6 years. The results of this research and development indicate that the value obtained by the Ajhâr Bhâthêk application media from the material expert trial was 77.14%, the media expert trial was 86.66%, the initial field trial was 77.45%, the main field trial was 87.86% , and trial operational implementation of 92.48%. Based on the results of the research and development that has been carried out, it can be interpreted that the application of Ajhâr Bhâthêk media as an implementation of the independent curriculum in introducing batik culture to children is suitable for use as a learning medium.


Batik Culture; Independent Curriculum; Learning Media


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