Washback Effect Assessment of Mahārah Istimā' using Google Form

Rahmawati Rahmawati, Zaimatuz Zakiyah, Julkhaidir Sitompul


Assessment has specific effects on learning, both positive and negative effects. In this case, assessment should encourage the implementation of better learning. This survey research aims to analyze the positive and negative effects of the mahārah istimā’ assessment using Google Forms or what is also called the washback effect. The respondents in this research were 43 PAI I FTK UIN Imam Bonjol Padang students. In this regard, data was collected through observation techniques, questionnaires, and interviews. As a primary data collection technique, the questionnaire covers three aspects: exam preparation strategies, learning attitudes, and learning materials. Then, the collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research results show that the total scores for each aspect are 37.4, 3.8, and 3.89, respectively. In other words, these aspects are included in the "excellent" category. Thus, based on these three aspects, the mahārah istimā’ assessment using Google Forms positively impacts learning. This research contributes practically to the experience of the mahārah istimā’  test using Google Forms. For future research, explore longitudinal effects, compare assessment methods, and study the sustainability of positive impacts. Also, analyze educators' perspectives and use qualitative data for deeper insights into assessment dynamics and student learning experiences, refining mahārah istimā’ assessment on digital platforms like Google Forms


Assessment; Google form; Mahārah istimā’; Washback effect

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