DR. Martha Catherine Beck, Irawan Irawan


This paper intends to show that the Pancasila (five principles of state) and the Pillars
of Islam (the five religious value system) has synergy to build Indonesia's national
education values system. To explore the relation between religion and politics in
Pancasila, Martha Beck used Alfred North Whitehead's process philosophy, Carl
Gustav Jung's archetypes psychology and Ervin Laszlo‟s systems theory. To approve
that Pancasila and Pillars of Islam has synergy to Indonesia‟s national education,
Irawan used the concept of scientia sacra by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. The results showed
that the Indonesian national education system consistently present in a triangular
relationship between religion (spiritual humanism), politics (democracy) and cultural
(multicultural and tolerance). The relationship manifested in Indonesian National
Education System, which is always grounded philosophically and aims at three
things; 1) form human who believe, cautious and has noble character; 2) master of
science and technology; and 3) actively participate in creating order and peace in the
world, even a blessing for the entire universe. Indonesia's national education system
could be a new alternative in building a more holistic education systems around the
world because considered crucial interconnection between science, religion, interests
of state and demands of the global. This is known as a moderate Islamic education.


Islam; Pancasila; System of Education

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