Penerapan Perangkat Lunak RStudio untuk Penaksiran Parameter Model Spatial Autoregressive


  • Tsuroyya Salsabil Departemen Matematika Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Dianne Amor Kusuma Departemen Matematika Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Budi Nurani Ruchjana Departemen Matematika Universitas Padjadjaran



RStudio, Spatial Autoregressive (SAR), Spatial Weight Matrix


Research and analysis that are not only based on time (temporal) but also on space (spatial) require tools in the form of software to ensure that the data analysis and processing yield good, fast, and accurate results. One of the software tools that can be used for this purpose is RStudio software. The advantages of RStudio include being open-source software (OSS), which can be used freely without cost, and it has many packages and functions that can facilitate data processing. One of the spatial-based analyses is spatial data analysis. The structure within RStudio allows users to call functions related to spatial data analysis, perform computations with sparse matrices (matrices with many zero values), such as spatial weight matrices, estimation of spatial model parameters, and so on. This research examines the application of RStudio software in estimating the parameters of a first-order Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) model using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method on the data of the designation of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in Indonesia. Based on the results of applying RStudio software, a first-order SAR model with a Queen contiguity weight matrix for the categories of Traditional Customs, Rituals, and Celebrations (TCRC) and Performing Arts (PA) with the minimum Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) value and maximum pseudo- value was obtained for predicting the designation data of ICH in Indonesia. The application of RStudio software to the first-order SAR model for the designation data of ICH in Indonesia speeds up and simplifies calculations, making it suitable as a recommendation for relevant agencies such as the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth, and Sports (Disbudparpora).



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