Penerapan Model Geographically Weighted Regression pada Data Penetapan Warisan Budaya Takbenda di Indonesia


  • Firdaus Ryan Pratomo Padjadjaran University
  • Dianne Amor Kusuma Padjadjaran University
  • Budi Nurani Ruchjana Padjadjaran University



Keywords, Geographically Weighted Regression, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Spatial Heterogeneity


Intangible Cultural Heritage (WBTb) determination data in Indonesia is a cultural investment that needs to be preserved. One of the efforts to preserve WBTb is to determine the cultural preservation factors that influence the WBTb determination data in Indonesia. These factors include Percentage of Population Watching Performances/Art Exhibitions (PPWP), Percentage of Population Using Regional Languages (PPURL), and Percentage of Households Using Traditional Products (PHUTP). However, the different cultural wealth in each province results in spatial heterogeneity, resulting in differences in the determination of cultural preservation factors in each province. This determination can be done with the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) model. This study aims to apply the GWR model with Fix Gaussian Kernel, Fix Bisquare Kernel, and Fix Tricube Kernel weighting to determine cultural preservation factors in WBTb determination data in Indonesia so that it can be known what cultural preservation factors are most influential in each region. The research findings show the existence of spatial heterogeneity only in the category of WBTb designation data for Performing Arts (PA) and Oral Expression Tradition (OET), as well as different GWR models in each province that reflect differences in cultural preservation factors. Evaluation with the coefficient of determination shows that the GWR model with the Fix Gaussian Kernel weighting function is the best model for the PA category. 

Author Biographies

Firdaus Ryan Pratomo, Padjadjaran University


Dianne Amor Kusuma, Padjadjaran University


Budi Nurani Ruchjana, Padjadjaran University



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